Last updated February 5, 2022

This offer can be deleted, modified, or revised at any time, with or without notice.

Until the government declares the Covid-19 pandemic is over, social distancing and mask wearing protocols WILL BE FOLLOWED.

Contingent on acceptance of my ride sharing terms and conditions, I’m willing to transport and guide currently up to four other persons, with backpacks, duffle bags, and what other gear, to various destinations. Currently, I drive a Long Range Model 3. Come 2022 or later, it will be perhaps also a Tesla CyberTruck, likely with tri motor drive and 500 mile range. That will hold up to 6 persons total, with a 100 cu ft bed for cargo in the back.

Sharing may be required, by the current financial state that I’m in. I will be owing a large sum for my loan, so mostly economy lodging, 2 for 1 meals, power costs, and camping fees are to be shared equally. You’ll need to be financially responsible. Proof of this may be required beforehand.

Planning to be doing many day trips from currently Reno, NV, or other nearby destinations, for hiking, peak bagging, dining, and shopping, and register checks, with the 2020 Model 3 or the forthcoming CyberTruck, no charging should be necessary. Trips to Los Angeles, CA and also San Francisco, CA, or elsewhere, may require short waits. As these Tesla vehicles are said to be good for perhaps a million miles, the costs for eventual battery replacement and other wear and tear will be included in any ride share, by miles driven, as a percentage of the miles expected for the life of the battery and also tires, then other wear and tear. The info indicates the Model 3 battery is good for some 300,000 miles, and a complete replacement runs maybe $20,000-35,000. By the dealer recommendations, the tires require replacement every 25,000 miles, with such costs with installation running some $1,500 for a full replacement.

As the former enviro hiking club, last that I saw, suggested a sharing expense of some 10 cents a mile per passenger for gasoline costs, I may request some similar amount as these luxury zero emissions vehicles are costly to own and operate.

Our destinations will be ops for adventure travel, as hiking, climbing, skiing, biking, dining, shopping, and also museums and other cultural events. I have extensive experience in road trips, with past trips posted here. Parks, forests, wildlife areas, resorts, and public land will be some of our destinations. Also to visit cities and towns. The car will be vacant as we enjoy our activities. No one will be left inside the car unsupervised.

Input is welcome.

Foreign destinations are to be supported. We may become world travelers.

Prior video chat required. Please don’t waste my time with non-serious inquiries. If I can’t see you and hear you, online, you won’t be given anything. Arrangements for meeting locally can be a substitute. With this, a free meal will be offered.

No violent, or hateful, persons need apply. Past offenders won’t ever be allowed.

I support CSAA insurance. I will have extensive coverage. Minor personal injury claims may go to court, and a travel and activity, all hazards, waiver may need to be signed. Polygraph exams may be used to filter out liability hounds and also suspected malicious intent.

Participants will be required to support mobile payments, as Apple Pay, Google Pay, PayPal, or Facebook Messenger Cash. Prior reimbursement and a sizable deposit may be required.

No beginners! Travel experience is necessary. Public facilities will be used, and ridiculous accommodations won’t ever be supported. I support IT and tech, so please, no technology haters, or ever camera shy people. Travel information requests by the driver will be complied with immediately. All participants will have working, modern, updated communication devices.

Participants may be photographed, and video recorded, with the results posted online. It will be assumed that a standard model release is agreed to. If anonymity is urged necessary, you can be left out of the pictures and video. A signed statement is required for any requests for privacy.

We may have extreme environmental conditions, with hurricane force winds, below zero cold, and sweltering heat. Participants are expected to have sufficient and appropriate clothing and gear. We may demand inspections. In the vehicle, A/C and heating is given gratis. No smoking, vaping, or any illegal drug use will ever be supported. Alcohol consumption will be supported in proper, non-driving or non-riding venues. Drinking to excess may result in referral to law enforcement.

We’re out to have safe, successful, and responsible fun! If you dislike any of this, please go elsewhere.

Here’s to adventure, and the environment!

* Antibody testing may exempt riders from health and safety requirements. If the rider has tested positive for Coronavirus antibodies, they may be approved to carpool. This is dependent on the science.