LAS VEGAS DAY NINE November 19, 2020

Lone Mountain (3,342') 4X

Waking up early again, I got to my computer. Having a sandwich for breakfast after some oatmeal, I then went back to sleep. Dealing with Facebook job applicants, then dating, I sat at the computer desk. My tooth hole was hurting, so I took Ibuprofen. I also had anti-biotics. Searching on the Net, I sought a new place in Los Angeles. Finding great living quarters, I saved them to memory.

Tarrying at the apartment, it was finally time to hike. I zoomed out with my car navigator, leading the way. Getting to the new parking area at Lone Mountain, I finished my drink, and took off for the top. Not taking as many photos, I quickly gained the summit. With a good signal, I did some video chat from the top. Nice blue skies with hazy distant views, so I lingered on the top, with many hikers coming by.

As the day progressed, I lost track of the time while video chatting. It was coming to be 4 p.m., so I captured a few final photos of the dusk light. Then to saunter back to the car, and using the outhouse.

Intending to get back home, I changed my mind, and headed for the shopping mall free parking. Out onto the Strip, I took a photo of two showgirls. Then to get some fine dining in. I went to a deluxe gourmet restaurant, then ordered $14 shiitake buns and $16 garlic fries. With a couple across from me, they were over 6 feet away. Asking for a 0.0, they didn’t have that. I ordered then dessert.

Finished, I made the bill an even $50 with tip, and paid using my Watch. Then back outside to the Strip and into the mall for more photos. I bought a bottle opener as a souvenir. I do so love convenience payment, then got back to my car. Motoring back home, it was to the downloads of today’s work. I began uploading the video clips, then worked with my software to post photos and text. I had captured dash cam video as I drove down the Strip, so interesting for people that love Vegas.

Relaxing with the computer, it was like old times. Posting photos, text, and video, it’s for me like doing a crossword puzzle. Some mental challenge, so fun, though I’m paying for the webspace.

Movie clips.