Rattlesnake Mountain 94X, January 11, 2022


With frugality on my mind, I mostly saved my money with groceries and fast food over the weekend. With more energy for this fine Tuesday, I got cheaper fast food with diet soda, and then bagged the Rattlesnake 94X. Some few hikers looked to be taking advantage of the free exercise op, and I spoke with one heavily overweight older male by the top. Useless to exercise without a solid diet, he has a long way to go to shed pounds. A trim, slim couple walked up the road, and I envied them for their youth. The trails had not dried out a lot, with still damp and slightly muddy sections, with puddles.

Declining a stop for some buffet food, I got groceries at the supercenter, expecting to rest a lot for the next few days. I go into a sort of hibernation, to spare food expenses, and enjoy my home. With big bills to come, I had better pay them off quickly.

Lucky to have the best of health insurance, I never suffered from large medical bills, aside from dental work. I was smart enough to get exercise, with a running routine as I had a job. Less intelligent people overeat and refuse workouts, and the 60% or what obese abound about society. Many of them pass away in their 40's or 50's, pity to see what a waste of human life. There are those who ignore good health practices, with smoking and vaping with no care to coming diseases. Sad to see innumerable children, who adopt such poor lifetime habits.

The joys of outdoor and peak bagging exercise are a reward in itself. I like achieving the summits, with cleaner air, above the poisonous soup that comprises the urban environment. So my life went, with fuel efficiency and now zero emissions. I have some longevity, so am able to enjoy extended good health, fine dining, and attractive women. Though with my lifetime near poverty, it's been a lonely life. I hear of none of the older, enviro hiking club members doing as well as I am. With it looking like their cessation of peak bagging activities, they do get their cancers and abbreviated lives. Heartening to see other fit, healthy people, though, and that society isn't completely degenerating into 300-400+ pound people!