About Reno, NV, January 26-27, 2021

ABOUT RENO, NV January 27, 2021

This was slated to be move-in day. Everything was set, and I would get the keys to the new home, today. I had a fast food breakfast, and with a final look at the motel room, I motored north on Interstate 580. To storage and the new home, I took possession of the keys, and slept in the new home, with a mattress and blankets. With some stuff out of storage, I was comfortable.

This was the end of my 2020-2021 Desert road trip. To live well in Reno, NV, this was my victory over hate. The hiking club activities are suspended due to Covid, but I had such great hiking and peak bagging fun, with also travel.

My test later showed negative, so I am fine and healthy.