Red Rock, March 17, 2021

RED ROCK March 17, 2021

To start the day off, I motored to the 24/7 taco shop to get an early breakfast. Going back to bed, I was up to do some webwork. Tired, today, I had to return to bed for more rest.

Feeling better, I motored to Red Rock, north on U. S. 395. To place a new register, I ran into another person, and we chatted, as he was friendly. Back to my car, I chose to visit my old haunt, with bargain eats. I ordered dinner, but the quality had lowered. They no longer have the $1 tacos, and also the $4.99 cheeseburger, due to Covid. Still some few familiar faces, so they have not quit.

Going by the gift shop, I sought to get a cap, but instead bought smart wool gloves for cheaper than online.

Back home, I had to get to bed, as I was tired. Up again late, I resumed webwork, and made my post in the early a.m.

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