Rattlesnake Mountain 73X, August 18, 2021


Up with business today, I had my usual light breakfast, and stuck about home. Going out for a diet soda and food, this got me feeling better and awake. Returning home, I settled some business, and rested till late in the afternoon. Going out again for more diet soda, I got dinner. As this was a cooler day, I then bagged Rattlesnake Mountain 73X. I forgot my regular camera, so used my smart phone for photos.

Home, it was to get the news, and I made a sandwich for dessert. With even more health business tomorrow, I did get my daily exercise. I have slimmed down now to 151.4 pounds, so to continue with my dieting and exercise, to get back as I was in high school, perhaps.

I do not like being an overconsumer, as many people I see today, and as I once said, being overweight consumes water to grow the food to maintain such heaviness. There was the leadership in the Sacramento enviro hiking club, a bunch of hypocrites. With gas guzzlers and being obese people, they personally waste our planet's natural resources the most.

Once into rock climbing, I could lead 5.7, until I was forced to peak bagging and the Club beer, which ruined me. I did like the after peak buffets, as we came home from the High Sierra on Sunday night. Being poor, I did get my money's worth with up to three helpings, and this started to be a tradition with me. I'd lose weight with the strenuous exercise, but liking fine dining, would gain it all back over the workweek. The portly boss derisively called me "Slim." Saying then that I was "too healthy," so I started to become sicker, and then using my sick leave and vacation for more and more frequent times where I wasn't feeling too good.

Being that I got then less income, I was then told that I was disqualified from legal assistance, by the county free legal help, as they said, "they didn't care," so was denied rightful legal representation on an arrest under false pretenses. Too poor to fight this charge in court, so I pleaded guilty, and to this day, have a record of what I did not do.

Forced then with injustice, nobody could ever care less. Family also got nothing for the grossest hate crime in modern history, where the government got away with it. Still to this day, I am a target for hate, harassment, and even violence. Not even an investigation to bring justice to any of the perps, three Club members got away with their vicious hate crimes. With their mindless hateful attacks and slander, you can see what this hate group posing as green now publishes in their newsletters.