Inactive on the peaks for a long while, I had some adverse medical conditions preventing me from having my great fun. A lack of sharing companions also discouraged me from spending money in driving my car. Being that my transportation was going to waste, I figured that I had better get out on the road, and do some light hiking. Declining a fall colors road trip out to Utah, I felt that going five times out there in the last ten years would have to do.

Leaving home after lunch hour, I took Interstate 5 south to Twin Cities Road exit. I’d shoot some pictures of the wildlife, if any. I parked, and walked out on the boardwalk to see some wild fowl. Mostly ducks, I took some photos, and then walked back to my car.

Motoring the short way to the visitor center, I parked again, and looked about the locked facility. Taking the trail over the bridge, I began to capture some images. All seemed the same. I sauntered southward along the dirt trail, with a new sign showing an aerial map of the Preserve, with some colors. The sound of birds chirping induced me to shoot some video with sound (29.8 MB, 1:21, 720p HD).

I hiked back to the car, then was quickly motoring north on the Interstate, content with the short time that I had spent out here. I hiked maybe a mile, capturing 89 image items and movie clips, and driving 50 miles.

Uncomfortable now with distance driving due to my pains, I will see how it goes for me. I imagine that I’ll see the Sierra fall color display, as it is late again, and it takes only a shorter drive from town. Expecting that I’ll be making mostly short trips with only light hiking, more frugality is the order of the day, now.